About me
Dreams are like stars. You may never touch them, but if you follow them they will lead you to your destiny.

Inge Verbrugghe
Who am I?
I am someone who loves to exercise (and frankly, needs it). I believe in maintaining a healthy lifestyle (let's stick with the 80-20 rule though 😉). I enjoy traveling, immersing myself in other cultures, and spending time in nature...
Just graduated as a French-Spanish translator, I realized I wanted more than spending my days behind a desk, but at the time, I couldn't quite pinpoint what I truly desired. Until a few years ago, I was active in the business world as a marketing manager, both for Belgian SMEs and an American multinational, first as an employee and later as a freelance consultant.
But let's rewind something more than a decade. My first hiking experience in the mountains, particularly in the Ecrins National Park, was revelatory for me: the simplicity and serenity of life became clear. Peace, nature, exercise, and no worries or stress. Trekking from one mountain hut to another, eating, drinking, washing, sleeping, and repeat. Waking up every morning revitalized, eager for the day ahead.
After that trip, readjusting to everyday life felt challenging and I began to question if this was truly living. I realized that I wanted to get more out of life and also help others. A seed was clearly planted during that trip and my journey to a different life started. Many trips to the mountains followed, I devoured books on personal development and attended numerous workshops and international trainings: international mountain leader, coaching and nature coaching, orthomolecular nutrition...
Although I continued to work full-time in the corporate world for a period thereafter, the call for a different life became so strong that my health decided it was enough. It came as a shock to me. Me, of all people. I had tried to live as healthy as possible (both in terms of nutrition and exercise) and my body let me down...
Gradually, I climbed out of this valley, left the corporate world and the rat race behind and I am continuing my journey. Step by step, while celebrating life.
And may a life that really lights you up be exactly what I wish for you as well.
Ready to design a life that lights you up?
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