About Newen Coaching
The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.
- Confucius
Newen comes from Mapudungun, the language of the Mapuche community in Chile and Argentina. It means strength, energy, and, more specifically, physical, emotional, and spiritual strength.
Through our coaching sessions and retreats, I aim to help you build your inner strength and empower you to take steps towards and live your dream life, allowing you to become the best version of yourself.

Newen Coaching logo
The logo is based on a compass and the Mapuche representation of the earth and the cardinal directions (meli witran mapu). The compass signifies that at any time, you can guide your life in any direction. Every choice you make, offers an opportunity for another decision.
The compass also symbolizes following your inner compass, your intuition. In our contemporary society, we often feel adrift. It is important to remain aware of the direction we want to take, and our inner compass helps us do so. Keep listening to your gut feeling and live the life you desire.